Tag Archives: Waiting on God

Reflective Friday – Only the Strong Surrender

 Yesterday, I had the joy of hosting Claire for lunch. Claire is visiting South Africa for the very first time from Geneva, Switzerland and her primary reason for this trip is to seek God…yes, sometimes it does mean a plane ticket or a trip to another continent in order to come into alignment with a season of life.

 Claire has been a regular Writer on my blog and one of the people I am currently mentoring. She shared with me a recent profound encounter she had with God, which has led her to a place of risking more with God as she surrenders her insecurities, dreams and ideas of what her life should look like, e.t.c.

I woke up this morning reflecting on our time, and like I said to her, nothing is more miraculous than when God steps into our situation with “the peace that passes all understanding”.

With the weekend here, I want to invite you to track with some of the posts that have so far been published in 2014. I see a trend of “letting go” and trusting more. Where and how do you feel God is prompting you to surrender or let go in order for the “miraculous” to show up in its own timing? 

Join the conversation by re-reading the articles below and you are more than welcome to share your thoughts.

1. I’m In Destiny’s Waiting Room – By Lena Wan   http://www.navigatinglifetransitions.com/im-destinys-waiting-room/

2. I Have No Plans for 2014 – By Claire de Toth    http://www.navigatinglifetransitions.com/plans-2014/

3. Giving Obsessive Planning the Boots! – By Onisoa Ralmbomanana http://www.navigatinglifetransitions.com/giving-obsessive-planning-boots/