Tag Archives: Reflection

Why You Should Regenerate Your Soul Before 2021

This post is inspired by a coaching session I had in November. During the session, I asked my client a reflection question: 

What would be helpful for you to feel regenerated before 2021?

She took a deep breath and started painting a picture of the little things that matter to her. They were not expensive or complicated projects…they were simple things she had stopped doing due to the challenges of 2020.  It was insightful listening to how she described they way she envisioned feeling regenerated.

After the session I reflected further on the question…

How can one be regenerated in preparation for 2021?

Again, I felt the texture of the word “regenerate”… 

Regeneration is the natural process of replacing, restoring or regrowing damaged or missing cells, tissues, organs, and even entire body parts to full function in plants and animals.

Science tells us that some parts of our bodies can repair themselves quite well after injury. Our physical body is in a constant state of regeneration, from the cells in our bones to the nails on our toes. Organs like the liver also regenerate when they get damaged. Dead skin cells are constantly falling off, and are replaced by new ones.

There are two types of Regeneration:

1. Reparative – repairing of damaged cells, tissues or organs.

2. Restorative – to regrow, redevelop or replace a missing part using existing cells. Some animals can regrow lost limbs. 

I believe that the processes in our human body often mirror the workings of the soul – the inner man.  The soul is comprised of the mind, will and emotion. As I parallel the body with the soul, I am thinking about some of the stresses of 2020. Our souls (mind, will and emotions) have experienced trauma or injury through some of the high-impact events we’ve experienced:

  • Physical separations and insufficient human touch 
  • Deaths, illnesses and sicknesses 
  • Riots, economic upheaval and political storms
  • Restrictions, cancelled trips and plans 
  • Staring into computer screens for long and unusual hours

The toll of these strange realities highlight the need to be regenerated as the year draws to a close. Just like there are regenerative medicines to help the human body heal, I believe there are regenerative practices that can help in restoring the soul. 

So how can one regenerate the soul practically?

If you’ve engaged with me for any reasonable period of time, you will know that I am ritualistic about ending each year meaningfully. My day job as a coach requires mental and emotional expenditure. Add 2020 to the equation…I have done a lot of heavy-duty coaching this year while personally navigating my own challenges of 2020. Hence, it’s not enough for me to do my usual “rest, reflect and pray” ritual. I also need an extended time to regenerate. 

How about you? Does the need to regenerate resonate with you? If so, I invite you to consider these three suggestions on how to engage with it:

  1. Take time to “Reflect” 

Reflect and contemplate on where and how your mental, spiritual and emotional energy was spent this year.

Contemplation from Latin means to “mark out a space for observation.” The word temple comes from the root word templum, in “contemplation – which adds a sacredness to the process of contemplation or reflection. You are a temple and creating space within to observe is critical for renewal and regeneration. It’s about tuning in to the rhythms of the Spirit.  This means – to look attentively or to ponder. It’s about purposefully turning your attention to the spirit of God that dwells within you.

Quiet yourself. Remove distractions. Slow down if you cannot switch off completely. Create an atmosphere of peace. Guard what you see and hear.  Sit in silence. Go for walks in nature. Engage your emotions. Allow God to help you sort out your thoughts. Write in a journal etc. Choose a process that works for you.

A healthy soul recognizes the need for reflection. Sometimes you don’t quite know exactly what your soul needs, until you make room for it.  A dysfunctional soul avoids these, because it needs to keep going in order to avoid inner discomfort or pain. 

2. Secondly, “name it.” 

What needs to be repaired or restored in your soul?  Acknowledge and write down what has impacted you mentally, spiritually and/or emotionally:

  • Toxic atmosphere of fear and isolation? 
  • Strained mental muscles from engaging crisis? 
  • Faltering hope?
  • Unmet expectations?
  • Zoom fatigue?
  • Dull vision due to the thick fog of uncertainty?
  • Running out of compassion? 
  • Weak bonds caused by social distancing?
  • Spiritual Malaise?

You may also want to name some of the positive things that you experienced. Sometimes, positive life events can equally be emotionally and mentally demanding.  Things like:

  • Started a new project, school, program or job?
  • Significant Travel but under covid circumstances?
  • Got married or had a baby?
  • Moved or relocated?  

As you celebrate the highlights, reflect on the amount of mental, emotional and spiritual energy it required.

3. The third suggestion is to “process it purposefully“

You may want to process with a coach, mentor or someone who is good at “unpacking” and processing life experiences. Talking is a powerful way to experience catharsis, a process of releasing strong feelings and emotions. It soothes the soul when you feel seen, heard and acknowledged in a safe space.

Another suggestion is to do some “restorative” activities. Be more intentional with someone or a group that you love. People that know us and love us unconditionally have a way of infusing us with life when we are with them.

My ultimate recommendation (if you must must choose one) is to purposefully bring it to God – Nothing regenerates the human soul more than the power and the presence of God. Remember He created you by His word. He is the original material you are created from.  His word is your DNA. Let His presence regenerate your soul. Allow Him to renew, repair and regenerate you. 

To summarize: 1. Reflect/Contemplate 2. Name it/Acknowledge it 3. Process it purposefully.

I encourage you to take some time as the year ends to follow some of the recommended practical tips to regenerate your soul.  I am also taking my own advice, currently doing these three suggestions. This is not about some “magic pill” to trick the mind that once the year is over, everything will reset itself and begin afresh. Rather, it’s about replenishing your reserves and increasing your mental and emotional margins in order to be able to handle whatever comes your way in 2021. 

We have an in-built capability to be regenerated in our soul, but we must design space for it. Constant restlessness is a form of anxiety.  Strength comes through stillness.

Psalm 138:2 captures it well…

“On the day I called, you answered me; my strength of soul you increased. “

Regeneration is about replenishing and increasing the strength of the soul. May you be strengthened in your soul, as we get ready to welcome 2021. 

PS: Here are some other blog posts that I have written related to year-end:

10 Meaningful Things I Did To Transition into 2020

What Do You Need to Clear As The Year Ends?

5 Lessons From My Refrigerator at Year End

How To Prevent Your Inner-Light From Dying Out As The Year Ends.

10 Things I do at the End of the Year