Tag Archives: Reflection

12 Stones – Written by Lena

1. I have managed to come up with a routine for grocery shopping and household chores by splitting up the chores to each day of the week.  This gets my body moving in the middle of each day, instead of sitting for hours at the computer.

2. Baking (as weekend therapy!).  More importantly, giving away the baked goods to the migrant workers who clean my neighbourhood everyday, blessing frontline volunteers to boost their morale.

3.  Sewing fabric face masks as part of a nationwide community initiative.  The masks were distributed to low income families, vulnerable adults (e.g. seniors), and frontline workers.

4.  Being able to continue to volunteer as a frontline worker twice a month, despite restrictions and new rules for volunteers.  I have learned so much in the process.

5.  Access to stable internet connection at home.  This has made working from home possible, plus being able to connect for church, cell group, prayer, online learning, etc.

6.  Taking part in Declare 2020, a 72-hour national Bible reading event that had to go online instead of in-person.  My group of older adults gamely learned how to use Zoom and we completed our 2-hour reading slot!  (https://www.facebook.com/DeclaretheWord/)

7.  Almost daily morning brisk walk in the park to exercise and talk to God.

8.  My new phone bought just before Circuit Breaker (Singapore’s term for “lockdown”)!  I cleaned up my old phone in preparation to sell it off after the pandemic is over, but it ended up being used for work purposes.  

9.  My mom does almost all of the cooking daily!

10.  Clarity of mind to create all the checklists, protocols and procedures as we slowly go back to opening up the office.  Government regulations are very strict, so we have to comply or face a hefty fine or worse, be forced to close.

11.  General good health for my mom and me.  No sickness other than body aches from sitting all the time!

12.  I still have a job!  My salary is paid on time every month.  I have work to do.  

Lena Wan works in administration at a counselling centre in Singapore.  She is a mental health advocate.  She has been a missionary in Cambodia, intercessor and prayer coordinator for South-East Asia.  

The “12 Stones” is a response to the original blogpost on picking up stones of memorial post covid-19. If you would like to add your stones to the pile, email: gracieintouch[at]gmail.com