Tag Archives: New Year

2014: What’s Your Dead Horse?

If you had to choose between these two words, which one are you instinctively attracted to?

“Add or Subtract?”

 If you and I are honest with ourselves, most of us are drawn to “adding things” by default. It is our human nature. We think more is better. We take on more, we try harder, we invest more. “Adding”is  appropriate in some cases, but not all.

With the dawn of the New Year,  the craze is everywhere about New Year Resolutions, and many of us are scratching our grey matter on how to be more effective in 2014.

Instead of instinctively adding goals, how about re-framing the New Year Resolution and ask yourself: What do I need to subtract from my life in 2014? 

From my personal experience, I have noticed that doing too many things is the number one reason why I don’t have time to do the things that really matter to me.   I started using this personal processing tool a few years ago… At the end of every year, I write down every engagement, commitment and event and even relationships that I gave a significant amount of time and energy to in the year. Then I prayerfully go over each and ask, “How is this connected to my overall life vision and purpose?” “How much energy and time did this commitment take?” Eventually, the items I subtract are those that  took too much of me while ranking low on the scale of fulfilling my divine assignment.  It’s not a perfect process for me, but I’m committed to on-going refinement.

We have the tendency to keep doing things because they are the things that we are used to doing. Whether we are aware or not, we outgrow some roles, values, jobs, relationships and commitments. New Year’s is nothing more than an opportunity for us to look at our lives with a fresh perspective, to remove the dry leaves, chop of the dead branches or in other words, get off the dead horse.

Think about it, the secret to your growth and greater effectiveness lies in identifying your dead horse. There is a sleek, strong stallion waiting for you to ride in 2014, but before you rush to add another horse,  get rid of the dead one.

Wishing you a rejuvenating 2014!

So my question to you is: What’s your dead horse? Take a moment to think about this.


(PS. If you need some assistance in identifying your dead horses, feel free to contact me for a Consultation)

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