Tag Archives: hearing the voice of god

Hearing The Voice of God (on his terms)

David has been away on a work trip. This meant I’ve been holding down the fort at home. So on top of my regular work-from-home schedule, I also mapped out how to double up on parenting. This meant quality time, bath time, swimming time, school time, bed time, play time, meal times, all the times 🙂

Initially, David was supposed to be gone for 5 nights in the same week. But by midweek, David called to let us know that his work trip was extended into the following week. The change meant he would stay an extra 4 nights. It was necessary, but an unexpected stretch for us at home.

I began processing and adjusting my mindset to juggle the responsibilities for much longer. A few days after, three of my coaching clients postponed their scheduled sessions for the following week. This meant that my mornings suddenly opened up. An unexpected breathing room.

I remember having coffee with my San Jose mama and sharing with her that all my clients postponed their sessions for that extended week. We discerned together that it was God showing how much God cares, he intervenes to give us what we truly need, when we need it the most.

So I figured out I would spend more of the time in prayer, and getting things done around the house – if possible.

Although that was my desire, I was slightly disappointed that it didn’t quite play out as I envisioned. I didn’t get to sit and write, which is my most preferred way of hearing God. I wasn’t able to carve out the time to write.


On Monday afternoon, a friend (who didn’t even know about my demanding week of solo parenting) called me. She sounded a bit pressed for time, so no small talk. She went straight to the point:

“I have a timeshare right on the beach in Monterey, I was thinking I need to bless someone, and you came to mind.”

My initial thoughts were, “heck I have a messy house, I need to clean,…”
“This is the time I was hoping to spend with God and really get into the zone and write…”
More to-do lists were scrolling through my mind as she spoke.
Then she said: “And it’s for today!” You will need to come over tonight if you will take it.
As I felt more reluctant, a small voice reminded me that there was a reason my coaching schedule got cleared up.
So I said, “I’ll come.”

After I got off the phone, i starting rethinking the decision. I thought to myself, “why add another stress of a road trip? Why not keep things as they are?”
When it comes to “me” as a parent, I tend to think more rigidly. I want to plan things well in advance for the little guy.
Then I had an idea to ask Nix if he wanted to go to the beach, as my litmus test.
His eyes lit up like a forest on fire. He started bouncing around with joy! This sealed the deal for me. I figured he was slightly bored with me at home anyway, since David does more adventurous things with him and frankly, I was also tired of the constant requests, questions, arguments, ….”wash your hands” 20 times …”please stop” another 50 times….

So we packed. I gave him his favourite kids entertainment in the backseat and we hit the road.
Even the drive alone gave me some headspace, while he was completely lost in his songs and interactive games.

As for the destination, because I have been to Monterey, I didn’t really research anything. I just had an address of where we were going. I simply trusted Waze (app) to get me there.

Upon arrival, my friend met me at the parking lot. She handed me my car parking sticker and showed me my room. That was when it hit me! …
The beautiful, spacious apartment just for Nix and me.
The beach.
The vacation mode.
The sunset…
Wow! This was a treat! A hidden gem.

Literally, the timing couldn’t have been more perfect. We made it just as the sun was setting. We walked straight into the most gorgeous sunset.
Who could have planned that better? Definitely not me. He did.
God knew it would be exactly what we needed.

Right away, Nix made a new friend, Wyatt on the beach. They ran, rolled and piled sand together. We watched every bit of the sun sink into darkness, while we stood by a roaring fire watching the boys in the dark.
Afterwards, we came back to our apartment and my tired and happy son fell asleep. I could hear the contentment in his breathing. What an adventurous day, I thought to myself. If it was just for his sake, I was so glad I came. Tremendous gratitude filled my heart.
With the lights now off, I finally got myself into bed, and was praying.
Then God started speaking to me.
There’s a certain way my mind illuminates when the Holy Spirit is impressing words and thoughts in me.
So I got up and started writing.
Bits of downloads. I just wrote whatever I heard.
Afterwards, it hit me again. I am writing. God allowed me the privilege, unexpectedly – half asleep and half awake, at a location I didn’t really plan for. This was a pleasant surprise.
Hearing the voice of God.

God chooses and uses mundane things to amplify his message to us.
May we pay greater attention to the little prompts from God in this season. Many times we miss the voice, because it doesn’t always come with some “soft music” to set the mood. Think twice about the interruptions that show up in your life. There may be more to it!

“I am changing your concept of time
If you seek me the way you have done in the past, you may miss me
Make room for the unexpected in your regular routine
Familiarity can be a hindrance to walking in the unknown realm of faith.
Let go of over-analysis in this season
Stay at the edge
Go with the flow
Answer the unexpected call
I will change your plans
Your neat programs will be scrambled
When I move, it will be swift
In this season, you obey first, then understand later
Eyes have not seen, ears have not heard
If you trust me enough, you will witness me in new ways you have no reference to.
I will lead you in ways that may seem out of the way
But you will be pleasantly delighted
I will do exceedingly and abundantly more
I am beyond what you think or imagine
It may appear like abrupt changes in the natural, but it all flows in the spirit.
I have gone ahead.
I know the end from the beginning.”