Tag Archives: clarity

Stability in Transition

Only in knowing who I really am will I be able to adapt and ultimately thrive in the midst of change. I came to this realization while attending the PIN Code Masterclass in Stellenbosch. The more I become anchored and rooted, understanding and operating within my design, the more flexible I can become in the midst of transition. Ultimately, even the periods of change could become seasons in which I flourish, instead of just fighting for survival!

 As a person accustomed to stability, the transitions required in order to live life in abundance used to shadow me with fear. In a desperate attempt to remain in control, the foreboding of things that could go wrong would immobilize me into choosing the path of least resistance. The fear of making wrong decisions often kept me on what I reckoned as safe ground, but still the hunger for life to the full beckoned. For a long time the tug of war continued between playing it safe and embracing the change.

 I knew I needed help, some kind of direction in order not to stagnate and “wake up” from my lull ten years from now, regretting every opportunity that had passed me by. And although being married to an adventurer at heart fueled my curiosity, I still found myself paralyzed by “what if’s.”

 Until I attended PIN Code Masterclass in Stellenbosch, my “double-minded” approach to life caused cloudiness in my vision and uncertainty in my step. By the time I entered the course it felt as if I had lost sight of myself. Everything became a blur of day-to-day tasks. And although I thrive in having direction and goals in life, I found myself being confused and unsure of where I was heading and what I wanted out of life.

 During the course different pieces of my life that didn’t seem to fit suddenly came together. It was as though a light was switched on and I could see. I realized that instead of stability and change contradicting one another, they could work together to reach the same goal. So rather than being torn between these seemingly opposing characteristics, the art of fusing it together could be used to great advantage. I could only navigate the course between stability and change while remaining at peace through coming to terms with who I was designed to be.

 I have now come to the place of understanding that transition is not about what you give up, but what you ultimately gain. Where my focus used to be on that which I had to let go of during a period of change, I can now rather give of myself. In not understanding who I am, I overcompensated in trying to gain control the moment a so called threat to my stability surfaced. But in knowing that I have the ability to offer up stability for a season or given circumstance in order to flourish in the midst of transition, leaves me with a sense of security, comfort and safety.

Stability and transition walk hand in hand, the one does not go without the other. Even in the midst of turmoil, inner stability is not only possible, but will cause even greater flexibility. The more flexible I become during periods of change, the easier and quicker it will be for me to find our footing in the midst of it. And so I learn to navigate my way, not losing sight of who I am, where I have come from and where we are going.