Tag Archives: navigating transitions

The Big Launch – Crossing Intersections

  product-launch Launching Conversations about Navigating Life Transitions

Whether it’s about your cat, car, computer, house, career, partner, business, interests, studies, spirituality, travels, food, family, fashion, friends, schedules, we all experience CHANGE.

I’m very pleased to launch this new and exciting project, a blog to enhance the conversations around “Crossing Intersections – How to Navigate Life’s Major Transitions”. It is only logical that space be made for “resonance” and “processing” after publishing the E-Book so that readers can connect, listen and inspire one another towards greater growth.

This first post is an invitation to you. I have some scheduled Seed Bloggers who have agreed to be the first to share their current chapter of change. I will be publishing these short articles on Maximize Mondays here on this blog.

You may have read the book and felt like i took the words straight from your mind,  that is resonance. Alternatively,  you may be seeking ways to come to terms, to have a sounding board for what you have gone through or still going through. This space is equally for that. Please take time to read, relate and write back! Remember, when we have the courage to look within and listen to the promptings of our soul, we are able to grow and evolve into who we are designed to be.

I have received countless feedback from people who said the book was “for them”. Some actually have become radical evangelists, passing on their personal copy to those they feel need to engage in this topic dealing with change. For those who missed the facebook giveaway, another one is on the way from Amazon for kindle users, watch the space for the soon-announcement.

You do not have to read the book in order to make a contribution or comment on this blog. If however you are inspired to read it at some point in your life, you can find information on how to purchase on the “welcome” page or the “Crossing Intersections Links”.

In closing, don’t be a passive reader on this blog, become a CONTRIBUTOR. You can also submit your story on the “submit section” at the foot of the blog. This could be one place that your voice is needed to assist others in getting unstuck or gaining perspective. This is a blog for COURAGEOUS souls. You are one of them,  you are a MAXIMIZER.

By the way,  You and i know that in our social media age,  a “like” or comment is like saying thumb-ups, so go ahead and let’s start with a bang, click “like” below now and leave a comment.  Let’s maximize this community together. Looking forward to your responses.