Tag Archives: COVID-19

12 Stones – Written by Onisoa

Today is Mothers’ Day in Madagascar. I am ending the day full of gratitude, not because of the hand-picked cashmere snood my daughters got me to face this cold Southern Hemisphere winter (I was born for summer, just saying…), but because of what I see God doing in my life and how peaceful I feel as I look back. The 12 stones of what I am so grateful for, from the quarantine season I would like to share with you are in a random order the following:

1. Slow living ~ although my sabbatical year was interrupted by the pandemic, as I had to jump back to work in the crisis season, although our so-long-waited trip abroad was cancelled (and we are still waiting for the refund of the tickets), I deeply enjoyed the slow life we could choose to have. Waking up when my body was ready to, being mindful of what I do even in the most mundane tasks (versus the master multitasker that I used to be), sunbathing or reading a book after lunch, taking a long afternoon nap (you can guess that sleep is something I have been starving for, for a long time)… the list goes on, and probably many are coming up later as another stone in itself. Slowing down was so good to my soul and to my family.

2. Intimacy ~ probably one of the highlights of the quarantine is the time given to us as a couple: we had more time together, playing ping pong, talking in the garden, watching movies, cooking together at times. Growing in friendship and intimacy have been a yearly resolution since we got married, and I am so glad we had the opportunity again to do it in different ways this season. 

3. Working remotely ~ I find it a blessing to be able to schedule your work and define your own pace, in opposition to being interrupted by external factors or having to fit a group’s agenda. During this quarantine season, our team had to find new ways of working together. I was so thrilled to be able to use my organisation skills to make it a win-win for all of us, so that our resources would be used thriftily: time, energy and finances. Juggling with confrontations or challenging situations and at the same, setting goals, reaching them and setting new goals has been a memorable experience for me.

4. Strengthening family bonds ~ even though we were already homeschooling our two children – and sending the youngest to the preschool just outside our home – before the lockdown, being together 24/7 has its way of bringing “everything” out. However, seeing the girls playing together, doing chores together, fighting and then being reconciled, having our daily family intercession time for the world, having Aina – my husband – teach the girls how to play the guitar and tennis table… all of these show me how we are growing together and deeper in our relationship. 

5. Reading and snuggling in bed ~ the gift of time comes with the endless possibilities of using it in a way that sparks joy (a wink to Mari Kondo whose method of tidying up I enjoy using). My avid readers and I spent our bedtime with a story we enjoy. I love those moments of snuggling, laughing, reading (and sometimes getting impatient at the myriad of questions that our not-so-baby-anymore is asking) and how, even if I am not available, they continue that ritual to bless one another.

6. Relaxed homeschooling ~ my eldest daughter finished her school year earlier than the others and therefore is helping me teach: while I am teaching our middle-child, she is teaching our preschooler. She has already been a volunteer at the preschool and is an excellent teacher – who wants to become a teacher – so this season is an opportunity for her to learn and practice her skills, but also for me to be more relaxed in homeschooling. We could enjoy science projects, readers, and the fact that I do not have to stress over finishing early to move to the next task is such a blessing!

7. Growing in patience, grace and mercy ~ I am grateful for the inward transformation God is operating inside of me. Making peace with what I cannot change, being patient, displaying grace and mercy daily and receiving grace and mercy have helped me take each day as it comes, be content and grateful for what is offered to me.

8. Practicing generosity ~ since the beginning of the lockdown, I have seen generosity displayed around me in many ways: thoughtful friends who ask how things are going and how they could help, some people in our community paying for those who could not afford paying the school fees, parcels of food sent by the grandparents, sending baked goods to family, helping needy acquaintances… the flow of God’s blessing from people to people amazes and humbles me. 

9. Caring for workers ~ I am grateful for the gift of work, and even more for the gift of leadership. Although leading through a crisis is challenging, I am aware that this is the season we can choose to show our people how much we care for them. Revisiting our priorities, budgeting have been ways to show God’s provision in the life to our workers during lockdown. While I am very sorry for owners who had to let some people go because there was just no other way possible, I am deeply grateful that everyone on the team from the admin to the gardener keeps getting paid fully in this season. 

10. Loving despite distance ~ the pandemic season has probably made us more aware of death, how short life is, how precious people are, and it is pushing us to find creative or simple ways to express love to others. This has been a time to reconnect with friends, to connect with extended family, to enjoy the time given together. To come back to my Mothers’ Day mention earlier, we visited my mother – our neighbour – this morning. We had a lovely time telling her how much we are grateful for her and how she has blessed our life, filling our (especially our kids) hugs bucket (because we do not meet often) and crying a lot (the good tears of joy every time I express my deepest feelings or thoughts). I am even more grateful for those moments now that they are scarce.

11. Catapulted into dreams ~ my life is full of dreams and projects… the sudden arrival of the lockdown has pushed us into changing the way we do things. Having virtual classrooms, managing regular phone calls to students and families… and then, we suddenly have time to plan for the future in the light of this new normal. Some of my dreams actually include having a website or making training videos, and boum! There I find myself having to do it because I need to, not because I would like to explore a project or two… Life has its way of surprising us and reminding us of what we wished for. 

12. God’s endless provision ~ finally, what would overall summarise this season would probably be that I am amazed at God’s endless provision. When I enter my storage room, I am grateful to be able to have extras in a country where more that 90% of the population live under $1 a day, I feel deeply blessed to be able to care for my staff, when most companies and businesses are deep into debts; I feel so loved surrounded by my family home and people I care about, when I know many people being locked down alone; I feel favoured when I feel healthy and peaceful, while the number of cases raises every day in my own country and worldwide. At the end of the day, when I wonder where did the strength to get things done come from, why us or why not us, I can only look back to my faithful Father in heaven, and thank Him for his amazing provision. All that I needed, his hands have provided, indeed!

There are many more things that could be added to the list, but I hope that the ones I selected speak to your heart or encourage you in this season.Love,Onisoa

Onisoa Ralambomanana:
Wife to her best friend Aina, homeschooling mother of three daughters, preschool leader, teacher and trainer, based in Antananarivo, Madagascar, Onisoa believes in intentional living and enjoys helping others reach their full potential.