Tag Archives: 12 stones

12 Stones – Written by Carla

We moved to Israel 2 weeks before restrictions were set in place. It was a strange thing to see a country usually buzzing with life come to a standstill. I am grateful for all I have gained in this season of beautiful rest.

  1. Time. Unscheduled. What a gift!
  2. Audio book coloring/drawing sessions with the kids. I joined in and loved getting creative with crayons!
  3. Seeing my kids master and enjoy puzzles and board games.
  4. Negative thinking awareness bracelets. I’m changing it to my other arm every time my thoughts turn negative about a person, situation or myself.
  5. Staying focused. I learned the habit to “shut my ears” to the noise of the outside world and wait on His quiet whisper.
  6. Simplicity. Celebrating a family birthday and anniversary in the intimate setting of family life made me realize afresh that simple is beautiful.
  7. Writing. I picked up writing again for the first time since having babies (more than 6 years). I have forgotten how much I love it!
  8. Minimalistic living is refreshing. Quarantine started 2 weeks after an international relocation, which meant we only had basic appliances and just a few toys for the kids. Cleanup was easy and I got to see everybody getting creative in maximizing our resources.
  9. Gentleness. Being confined in a small space taught us to have more grace and gentleness with each other.
  10. Giving. I got more comfortable with serving and giving myself to my family instead of waiting to receive.
  11. Pesach. Shut down. In Israel. It was so special to me to be here during this significant time.
  12. Connection. I got to know more of our new church team and moms’ group through zoom meetings than I would have otherwise.

    I embraced every moment of this season and praying these stones will be and everlasting memorial in my heart.
Carla Jonker worked as an optometrist, before taking the leap of faith with her husband into their calling as founders of Dreams & Strides. They have resided in South Africa, United States and now currently living in Israel with their three kids.