All posts by Grace Samson-Song

Grace has been curious about transitions from a very young age. She currently consults and assists people to get unstuck in the areas of life purpose and calling, career choices and personal development. She is the founder of The Maximize group and the Author of Crossing Intersections.

The Book of Womanhood (Review)


I was introduced to a book called, “The Book of Womanhood.” 

So honestly…when you see a book titled: “The Book of Womanhood” what comes to mind?

Sounds a bit “suspicious” right?

At least to me.

My initial thoughts were like, is this a feminist manual? Or the other extreme of pigeon-holing of women into that one “pink” box? I was wrong.

This book is different.

What I instantly loved about the book was the topic of “rite of passage.”

The Author, Amy F. Abdallah, makes a good case for Womanhood, why we should be intentional in our transition from a Girl to a Woman.

Those of you that know me can attest to this: I love Rituals. I am a firm believer in rituals. I love candles, I burn incense, sit in silence, celebrate milestones, I mark endings and beginnings, and I’m also very passionate about life transitions. Rituals help us purposefully notice the changes in our lives. Amy has captured this intention so well in her book.

Amy’s take on “Womanhood” emphasizes that getting married or childbirth should not be the only celebrated rite of passage into becoming a woman.  Having recently gone through this of rite of passage into motherhood myself (and I wrote about it here), I couldn’t agree more! “Womanhood” is more than being a “Mother” or Getting Married.

Another facet of the book that I enjoyed is her focus on the uniqueness of every woman. She encourages the reader to build a healthy relationship with herself, to honour her uniqueness in how she owns her story, while reaching out in a healthy way to build relationships with other women.    

I love the way she compiled stories of how Jesus challenged the societal norms by working with women, and allowing them space to be individuals first, before gender identification.

She addresses the spiritual, the physical and the emotional aspects of womanhood, while offering loads of practical tips and advice. 

Although she’s a Professor, her style of writing is not detached or distant. She bares her heart nicely in a way that you get to “know” her in the process. 

Like i said, my initial suspicions quickly dissolved when I started reading this book, and within a short space of time, I felt like I knew Amy as a friend.

Check out her website if you are keen to know more:
